
From Me To You

The Beatles

1. If there's anything that you want
   if there's anything I can do
   just call on me and I'll send it along
   with love from me to you

2. I've got everything that you want
   like a heart that is oh so true
   just call on me and I'll send it along
   with love from me to you

Ref: I got arms that long to hold you
     and keep you by my side
     I got lips that long to kiss you
     and keep you satisfied oh


4. From me to you
   just call on me and I'll send it along
   with love from me to you

+ to you to you
  ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta...

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Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 28. 7. 2006
Viděno: 4780