
Secret Love

Bee Gees

F# When do I Asmi7cry
this breakin' Bmiheart  
just hurts me Hmore
C#When we're aBmipart
Esmiand there are Asmitwo of us
with our Hsecret C#love

F#Sleep pretty baby why do you Asmiwait so long
Hlivin' with a C#love that's not just F#make believe
lonely Bminights, I Hsee your C#candle F#glow
and in my Esmimind I trace
toAsmigether we can take away the C#time and the space

   AsBaby when you got a secret C#love
   every little Estouch is not eCminough
   every little Fmimoment we're aBmipart
   is pain to Esme

   Amaybe we can find hideaDway
   everybody Eknows but who can C#misay
   secretly you F#miknow I'd follow
   Hmianywhere to Emake you happy (F#)

AsAnyway you want me I'll be C#/Esstanding by
C#I don't wanna Eslose the one I Ashunger for
naked Cmieyes,
they C#watch us EseveryAswhere
nowhere to Fmirun, I cry
Bmieverything to lose and no Esalibi

   ABaby when you got a secret Dlove
   nothing you can Edo but rise aC#mibove
   secretly you F#miknow I'd follow
   Hmianywhere to Emake you happy

F#There's no good Asmi7bye
this breakin' Bmiheart
just hurts me Hmore
C#When we're Bmiapart
Esmiand there are Asmitwo of us
with our Hsecret.................................. love~ 
        (together we can take away the C#time and the space)

   AsBaby when you got a secret C#love
   nothing you can Esdo but rise aCmibove
   every little Fmimoment we're aBmipart
   is pain to Esme

   Amaybe we can find hideaDway
   everybody Eknows but who can C#misay
   secretly you F#miknow I'd follow
   Hmianywhere to Emake you happy (secret Alove)

   ABaby when you got a secret Dlove
   every little Etouch is not eC#minough
   every little F#mimoment we're aHmipart
   is pain to Eme

   Amaybe we can find hideaDway
   everybody Eknows but who can C#misay
   secretly you F#miknow I'd follow
   Hmianywhere to Emake you happy (secret Alove)

   ABaby when you got a secret Dlove...

Transpozice akordů: (původní D)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 16. 3. 2012
Viděno: 3448