First verse:
DI've just seen a face I can't for-
get the time or place where we just Hmimet
She's just the girl for me and
I want all the world to see we've Gmet
Na na Ana na na Dna
Second verse:
Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way and
I'd have never been aware
but as it is I'll dream of her tonight
Da da da da da da
AFalling yes I am Gfalling
and she keeps Dcalling Gme back aDgain
Third verse:
I have never known the likes of
this I've been alone and I have
Missed things and kept out of sight
but as it is I'll dream of her tonight
Da da da da da da
Repeat chorus.
Guitar solo played to verse chords.
Repeat chorus.
Repeat first verse.
Repeat chorus 3 times to end.
Datum: 19. 4. 2012