F#If ever you got Erain in your heart,
Esmsomeone has hurt you, and Htorn you apart,
Gmam I unwise to C#open up your eyes to love F#me?
F#And let it be like they Esaid it would be -
Esmme loving you girl, and Hyou loving me.
GmAm I unwise to C#open up your eyes to love F#me?
F#Run to me wheBmnever you're lonely
HRun to me if Hmyou need a shoulder
F#Now and Ethen, you Esneed someone older,
so Hmdarling, C#you run to F#me.
F#And when you're Eout in the cold,
Esmno one beside you, and Hno one to hold,
Gmam I unwise to C#open up your eyes to love F#me?
F#And when you've got Enothing to lose,
Esmnothing to pay for, Hnothing to choose,
Gmam I unwise to C#open up your eyes to love F#me
Datum: 3. 2. 2013