
While My Guitar Gently Weeps

The Beatles

I Gmlook at you aGm/Fll see the Gm6love there that's slEsmaj7eeping
GmWhile my guiFtar gently Cweep     D  
I Gmlook at the fGm/Floor and I Gm6see it needs sweepinEsmaj7      
GmStill my guiFtar gently Bweep     D  
GI don't know Gmaj7why nobEmody tGold youAsm how to unfold your Dlove
GI don't know Gmaj7how somEmeone conGtrolled you
AsmThey bought and sold Dyou
I Gmlook at the wGm/Forld and I Gm6notice it's Esmaj7turning
GmWhile my guiFtar gently Cweep     D  
WiGmth every mistakGm/Fe we must Gm6surely be Esmaj7learning
GmStill my guiFtar gently Bweep     D  
GI don't know Gmaj7how youEm were diGverted
AsmYou were perverted Dtoo
GI don't know Gmaj7how youEm were inGverted
AsmNo one alerted Dyou
I Gmlook at you aGm/Fll see the Gm6love there that's slEsmaj7eeping
GmWhile my guiFtar gently Cweep     D  
LoGmok at you allGm/F..         Gm6                    Esmaj7      
GmStill my guiFtar gently Bweep     D  

Transpozice akordů: (původní A)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 1. 3. 2013
Viděno: 3575
Poznámka: akordy označkované pomocí Klářina skriptu -- super, Kláro!