I Bmlook at you aBm/Asll see the Bm6love there that's slF#maj7eeping
BmWhile my guiAstar gently Esweep F
I Bmlook at the fBm/Asloor and I Bm6see it needs sweepinF#maj7
BmStill my guiAstar gently C#weep F
BI don't know Bmaj7why nobGmody tBold youHm how to unfold your Flove
BI don't know Bmaj7how somGmeone conBtrolled you
HmThey bought and sold Fyou
I Bmlook at the wBm/Asorld and I Bm6notice it's F#maj7turning
BmWhile my guiAstar gently Esweep F
WiBmth every mistakBm/Ase we must Bm6surely be F#maj7learning
BmStill my guiAstar gently C#weep F
BI don't know Bmaj7how youGm were diBverted
HmYou were perverted Ftoo
BI don't know Bmaj7how youGm were inBverted
HmNo one alerted Fyou
I Bmlook at you aBm/Asll see the Bm6love there that's slF#maj7eeping
BmWhile my guiAstar gently Esweep F
LoBmok at you allBm/As.. Bm6 F#maj7
BmStill my guiAstar gently C#weep F
Datum: 1. 3. 2013