

Kate Havnevik

Who do you D7sus4 loveF, Bwhen Clove is D7sus4gone? F, B, C
Who do you D7sus4hunFger, Bin this Cgreat unD7sus4known? F, B, C
GmiMemories of me Cwill fade,
Gmiand you will find someCone new.

See D7sus4everyone, Fhalo bright in BbeauCty
See D7sus4everyone aFrrayed for you to Btry C
You're D7sus4not aFlone in Bbeing aClone,
Six D7sus4billion Fpeople;
BOne of them's Cright for you

Who do you mean, when you change your tone?
Who do you dream of when you're half asleep with one eye open?
You'll become your life soon,
and I won't be in your way

See everyone, halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone,
Six billion people;
One of them's right for you

Who do you seek, when you stare into space?
Who do you seek out at night in cyberspace?

See everyone, halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone,
Six billion humans;
One of them's right

for you


intro a "bridge" za refrénem je jednoduché brnkání 0xxxxx, 0xxxxx, xx4xxx dokola

F#7sus4: 242422

doopravdy je to celé o půl tónu níž

Transpozice akordů: (původní F#)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: matejcik
Datum: 3. 7. 2018
Viděno: 827