G EmIf you're Cgoing to GSan FranDcisco
EmBe sure to Cwear some Gflowers in your Dhair
EmIf you're Ggoing to CSan FranGcisco
You're gonna Hmmeet some Emgentle people Dthere
EmFor those who Ccome to GSan FranDcisco
EmSummerCtime will Gbe a love-in Dthere
EmIn the Gstreets of CSan FranGcisco
Gentle Hmpeople with Emflowers in their Dhair
FAll across the nation
such a strong vibration
GPeople in motion
FThere's a whole generation
with a new explanation
GPeople in motion Dpeople in motion
EmFor those who Ccome to GSan FranDcisco
EmBe sure to Cwear some Gflowers in your Dhair
EmIf you Gcome to CSan FranGcisco
Summer Hmtime will Embe a love in Dthere Em C G
Datum: 13. 4. 2006