C# BmIf you're F#going to C#San FranAscisco
BmBe sure to F#wear some C#flowers in your Ashair
BmIf you're C#going to F#San FranC#cisco
You're gonna Fmmeet some Bmgentle people Asthere
BmFor those who F#come to C#San FranAscisco
BmSummerF#time will C#be a love-in Asthere
BmIn the C#streets of F#San FranC#cisco
Gentle Fmpeople with Bmflowers in their Ashair
HAll across the nation
such a strong vibration
C#People in motion
HThere's a whole generation
with a new explanation
C#People in motion Aspeople in motion
BmFor those who F#come to C#San FranAscisco
BmBe sure to F#wear some C#flowers in your Ashair
BmIf you C#come to F#San FranC#cisco
Summer Fmtime will Bmbe a love in Asthere Bm F# C#
Datum: 13. 4. 2006