B GmIf you're Esgoing to BSan FranFcisco
GmBe sure to Eswear some Bflowers in your Fhair
GmIf you're Bgoing to EsSan FranBcisco
You're gonna Dmmeet some Gmgentle people Fthere
GmFor those who Escome to BSan FranFcisco
GmSummerEstime will Bbe a love-in Fthere
GmIn the Bstreets of EsSan FranBcisco
Gentle Dmpeople with Gmflowers in their Fhair
AsAll across the nation
such a strong vibration
BPeople in motion
AsThere's a whole generation
with a new explanation
BPeople in motion Fpeople in motion
GmFor those who Escome to BSan FranFcisco
GmBe sure to Eswear some Bflowers in your Fhair
GmIf you Bcome to EsSan FranBcisco
Summer Dmtime will Gmbe a love in Fthere Gm Es B
Datum: 13. 4. 2006