1. CecFilia you're brBeaking my Fheart
you're Bshaking my Fconfidence Cdaily
oh CecBiliFa I'm Bdown on my Fknees
I'm Bbegging you Fplease to come Chome.
®: FMaking love in the Bafternoon
with CeFcilia Bup Fin Cmy bedFroom
making love
I got up to Bwash my face
when I Fcome back to bed
someone's Ctaken my Fplace.
*: Come on Fhome poh poh pohB ..C.F
4. Jubilation she loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
jubilation she loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing oh oh oh ...
Datum: 29. 7. 2006