1. CecBilia you're brEseaking my Bheart
you're Esshaking my Bconfidence Fdaily
oh CecEsiliBa I'm Esdown on my Bknees
I'm Esbegging you Bplease to come Fhome.
®: BMaking love in the Esafternoon
with CeBcilia Esup Bin Fmy bedBroom
making love
I got up to Eswash my face
when I Bcome back to bed
someone's Ftaken my Bplace.
*: Come on Bhome poh poh pohEs ..F.B
4. Jubilation she loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing
jubilation she loves me again
I fall on the floor and I'm laughing oh oh oh ...
Datum: 29. 7. 2006