
All I Want Is You


C#, F#, C#, F#
You C#say you F#want a C#diamond on a ring of F#gold.
You C#say you F#want your C#story to remain unF#told.

All the Bmipromises we F#made
from the Bmicradle to the F#grave
When C#all I F#want is C#you.

C#, F#, C#, F#
You C#say you'll F#give me a C#highway with no one F#on it
C#Treasure just to look F#upon it
All the C#riches in the F#night.
You C#say you'll F#give me C#eyes on a moon of F#blindness
A C#river in a time of F#dryness
A C#harbor in the F#tempest.

All the Bmipromises we F#make
From the Bmicradle to the F#grave
When C#all I F#want is C#you.

C#, F#, C#, F#
You C#say you F#want your C#love to work out F#right
To C#last with me through the F#night
You C#say you F#want a C#diamond on a ring of F#gold
Your C#story to remain F#untold
Your C#love not to grow F#cold

All the Bmipromises we F#break
From the Bmicradle to the F#grave
When C#all I F#want is C#you.

C#, F#, C#, F#
C#Yooooo F#hoooo!
All I want is C#yooooo F#hooo!
All I want is C#yooooo F#hooo!
All I want is you!

Transpozice akordů: (původní A)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 22. 11. 2006
Viděno: 3480