B, Es, B, Es
You Bsay you Eswant a Bdiamond on a ring of Esgold.
You Bsay you Eswant your Bstory to remain unEstold.
All the Gmipromises we Esmade
from the Gmicradle to the Esgrave
When Ball I Eswant is Byou.
B, Es, B, Es
You Bsay you'll Esgive me a Bhighway with no one Eson it
BTreasure just to look Esupon it
All the Briches in the Esnight.
You Bsay you'll Esgive me Beyes on a moon of Esblindness
A Briver in a time of Esdryness
A Bharbor in the Estempest.
All the Gmipromises we Esmake
From the Gmicradle to the Esgrave
When Ball I Eswant is Byou.
B, Es, B, Es
You Bsay you Eswant your Blove to work out Esright
To Blast with me through the Esnight
You Bsay you Eswant a Bdiamond on a ring of Esgold
Your Bstory to remain Esuntold
Your Blove not to grow Escold
All the Gmipromises we Esbreak
From the Gmicradle to the Esgrave
When Ball I Eswant is Byou.
B, Es, B, Es
BYooooo Eshoooo!
All I want is Byooooo Eshooo!
All I want is Byooooo Eshooo!
All I want is you!
Datum: 22. 11. 2006