FI am just a poor boy though my story's seldom Dmtold
I have Csquandered my resistance
For a C7pocket full of C6mumbles, such are Fpromises
All lies and Dmjest, still a Cman hears what he Bwants to hear
And disregards the Frest C, C7, C6, F
When I Fleft my home and my family, I was no more than a Dmboy
In the Ccompany of strangers
In the C7quiet of a C6railway station, Frunning scared
Laying Dmlow, seeking Cout the poorer Bquarters
Where the ragged people Fgo
Looking Cfor the places C7only Bthey would Fknow
Lie la Dmlie, Lie la Amlie la lie la lie, Lie la Dmlie,
CLie la lie la la la la, lie la la la la Flie.
Asking Fonly workman's wages I come looking for a Dmjob
But I get no Coffers
Just a C7come-on from the C6whores on Seventh FAvenue
I do deDmclare, there were Ctimes when I was Bso lonesome
I took some comfort Fthere
CLie lie lie lie la B, B, F
Then I'm Flaying out my winter clothes and wishing I was Dmgone
Where theC7New York City wintersC6aren't Fbleeding me Am
Leading Dmme, to going Chome C7 F
In the Fclearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his Dmtrade
And he Ccarries a reminder of ev'ry C7glove that laid him down
Or Fcut him till he cried out in his anger and his Dmshame
I am Cleaving, I am Bleaving
But the fighter still reFmains mmmCmm mmmm C7 F
Datum: 13. 3. 2007