BI am just a poor boy though my story's seldom Gmtold
I have Fsquandered my resistance
For a F7pocket full of F6mumbles, such are Bpromises
All lies and Gmjest, still a Fman hears what he Eswants to hear
And disregards the Brest F, F7, F6, B
When I Bleft my home and my family, I was no more than a Gmboy
In the Fcompany of strangers
In the F7quiet of a F6railway station, Brunning scared
Laying Gmlow, seeking Fout the poorer Esquarters
Where the ragged people Bgo
Looking Ffor the places F7only Esthey would Bknow
Lie la Gmlie, Lie la Dmlie la lie la lie, Lie la Gmlie,
FLie la lie la la la la, lie la la la la Blie.
Asking Bonly workman's wages I come looking for a Gmjob
But I get no Foffers
Just a F7come-on from the F6whores on Seventh BAvenue
I do deGmclare, there were Ftimes when I was Esso lonesome
I took some comfort Bthere
FLie lie lie lie la Es, Es, B
Then I'm Blaying out my winter clothes and wishing I was Gmgone
Where theF7New York City wintersF6aren't Bbleeding me Dm
Leading Gmme, to going Fhome F7 B
In the Bclearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his Gmtrade
And he Fcarries a reminder of ev'ry F7glove that laid him down
Or Bcut him till he cried out in his anger and his Gmshame
I am Fleaving, I am Esleaving
But the fighter still reBmains mmmFmm mmmm F7 B
Datum: 13. 3. 2007