When AsI want yFmiou Bm7 in my aEs7rms
When AsI want yFmiou Bmi and all your cEs7harms
WhenAsever I wFmiant you
AC#ll I have to Es7do is
dAsreamFmi, drC#eam, dream, drEs7eam.
When AsI feel blFmiue Bmi in the nEs7ight
And AsI need Fmiyou Bmi to hold me tEs7ight
WhenAsever I wFmiant you
AC#ll I have to Es7do is drAseam.C#, As, As7
C#I can make you mine taCmiste your lips of wine
BmiAnytimeEs7 night or dAsay.As7
C#Only trouble is Cmi gee whiz,
I'm dB7reaming my life aEs7way.
I neAsed you Fmiso Bmi that I could dEs7ie.
I loAsve you Fmiso Bmi and that is wEs7hy.
WhenAsever I wFmiant you aC#ll I have to Es7do
is drAseam.C#, As
Datum: 26. 3. 2007