Intro: Es Cmi Es Cmi Es Cmi Es Cmi
R: EsDon't play your Cmirock'n'roll to EsmeCmi
EsThat ain't the Cmiway it's ment to EsbeCmi
EsI ain't so Cmiblind that I can't EsseeCmi
AsJust let it Blie, let it EsbeCmi so
AsDon't play your Brock'n'roll-no
AsDon't play your Brock'n'roll-no
AsDon't play your Brock'n'roll to EsmeCmi Es Cmi
1. Well I Esknow you think I'm Cmicrazy, to keep Eshanging 'roundCmi
But I was Essort of hopin' you'd Cmichange from the Esgirl I foundCmi
But your Aswords just sound like Brock'n'roll Eslines to Cmime
They''re Asjust about as Bburnt out as a Esworn out forty-Cmifive
And you Ascan't expect them to Bkeep our love aEsliveCmi Es Cmi
R: Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
That ain't the way it's ment to be
I ain't so blind that I can't see
Just let it lie, just let it be
Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
2. Well I guess you had me fooled for a while
With your comme on looks and your Mona Lisa smile
But your rock'n'roll is gettin' out of time for me
Go sing your lines to someone else, 'coss someone else may be
The fool you always thought you saw in me
R: Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
That ain't the way it's ment to be
I ain't so blind that I can't see
Just let it lie just let it be
Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
Datum: 1. 4. 2007