
Don't Play Your Rock'n'roll To Me

The Smokie

Intro: B Gmi B Gmi B Gmi B Gmi

R: BDon't play your Gmirock'n'roll to BmeGmi
   BThat ain't the Gmiway it's ment to BbeGmi
   BI ain't so Gmiblind that I can't BseeGmi
   EsJust let it Flie, let it BbeGmi so

   EsDon't play your Frock'n'roll-no
   EsDon't play your Frock'n'roll-no
   EsDon't play your Frock'n'roll to BmeGmi B Gmi

1. Well I Bknow you think I'm Gmicrazy, to keep Bhanging 'roundGmi
But I was Bsort of hopin' you'd Gmichange from the Bgirl I foundGmi
But your Eswords just sound like Frock'n'roll Blines to Gmime
They''re Esjust about as Fburnt out as a Bworn out forty-Gmifive
And you Escan't expect them to Fkeep our love aBliveGmi B Gmi

R: Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
   That ain't the way it's ment to be
   I ain't so blind that I can't see
   Just let it lie, just let it be

   Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
   Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
   Don't play your rock'n'roll to me

2. Well I guess you had me fooled for a while
With your comme on looks and your Mona Lisa smile
But your rock'n'roll is gettin' out of time for me
Go sing your lines to someone else, 'coss someone else may be
The fool you always thought you saw in me 

R: Don't play your rock'n'roll to me
   That ain't the way it's ment to be
   I ain't so blind that I can't see
   Just let it lie just let it be

   Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
   Don't play your rock'n'roll-no
   Don't play your rock'n'roll to me

Transpozice akordů: (původní A)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 1. 4. 2007
Viděno: 4054
Poznámka: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPnKy-2S6tE