F Gm B C
FI GuessGm now it's Btime Cfor me to give Fup Gm
I feel it's BtimeC
Got a Fpicture of you besGmide me
Got a Blipstick mark still Con
your coffe FcupGm
Oh ByeahC
Got a Ffist of pure emGmotion
Got a Bhead of shattered Cdreams
Gotta lDmeave it, gottaDm/C leave it
all Bbehind nowC
FWhatever I said, Gmwhatever I did I
didn't Bmean it
I just Cwant you back for Fgood
Want you Gmback, want you Bback, want you back
for Cgood
WhenFever I'm wrong Gmjust tell me
the song and I'll Bsing it
You'll be Cright and underFstood
Want you backGm, want you backB for Cgood
FUnawarGme but underBlined CI figured
The Fstory , no , Gmno
It wantB good , no , Cno
But in the Fcorner of my Gmmind I
HCelebrated gloFryGm
But that Bwas not to Cbe
In the Ftwist of sepaGmration you
BExcelled at being Cfree
Can't you Dmfind, can't you find a
little Dm/Croom inside for BmeC
B7+And we'll be F/Atogether, B7+this time is forF/Aever
GmWe'll be fighting and forF/Aever we will be
So compDmlete in our Dm/Clove
We will B7+never be uncovered Cagain
Datum: 30. 7. 2007