F# Asm H C#
F#I GuessAsm now it's Htime C#for me to give F#up Asm
I feel it's HtimeC#
Got a F#picture of you besAsmide me
Got a Hlipstick mark still C#on
your coffe F#cupAsm
Oh HyeahC#
Got a F#fist of pure emAsmotion
Got a Hhead of shattered C#dreams
Gotta lEsmeave it, gottaEsm/C# leave it
all Hbehind nowC#
F#Whatever I said, Asmwhatever I did I
didn't Hmean it
I just C#want you back for F#good
Want you Asmback, want you Hback, want you back
for C#good
WhenF#ever I'm wrong Asmjust tell me
the song and I'll Hsing it
You'll be C#right and underF#stood
Want you backAsm, want you backH for C#good
F#UnawarAsme but underHlined C#I figured
The F#story , no , Asmno
It wantH good , no , C#no
But in the F#corner of my Asmmind I
CCelebrated gloF#ryAsm
But that Hwas not to C#be
In the F#twist of sepaAsmration you
HExcelled at being C#free
Can't you Esmfind, can't you find a
little Esm/C#room inside for HmeC#
H7+And we'll be F#/Btogether, H7+this time is forF#/Bever
AsmWe'll be fighting and forF#/Bever we will be
So compEsmlete in our Esm/C#love
We will H7+never be uncovered C#again
Datum: 30. 7. 2007