No New Year's AsDayAsmaj7 to celebraAsteAsmaj7
No chocolate Ascovered candy Asmaj7hearts to give BmiawayBmaj7
No first of BmispringBmaj7
No song to Bmi7singBmaj7
In fact here's Bmijust Bmi7another Essus4ordiEsnary Asday
No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you
I just C#called to Essay I Aslove you
I just Bmi7called to Essay how much I Fmi7care
I just Bmi7called to Essay I Fmi7love you
And I Bmimean it Bmi7from the Essus4bottom Esof my Asheart
No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do
I just Dcalled to Esay I Alove you
I just Hmi7called to Esay how much I F#mi7care
I just Hmi7called to Esay I F#mi7love you
And I Hmimean it Hmi7from the Esus4bottom Eof my Aheart
I just Escalled to Fsay I Blove you
I just Cmi7called to Fsay how much I Gmi7care
I just Cmi7called to Fsay I Gmi7love you
And I Cmimean it Cmi7from the Eus4bottom Fof my Bheart
?Of my heart, of my heart
Gsus4: 355533
Datum: 13. 9. 2007