H, Hmi, H, Hmi, H, Hmi
I read your Hbook Hmi
And I find it Hstrange Hmi
That I know that Dgirl
That I know her Aworld
A little too Hwell Hmi
And I didn't Hknow Hmi
By giving my Hhand Hmi
That I would be Dwritten down,
sliced around, Apassed down
Among strangers' Hhands H
Three days in DRome A
Where N*do we go N**
I'll always reDmember A
Three days in HRome Hmi
H, Hmi, H, Hmi
Never aHgain Hmi
Would I see your Hface Hmi
You carry a Dpen and a paper
And Ano time and no words
You Hwaste Hmi
Oh, you're a Hvoyeur Hmi
The worst kind of Hthief Hmi
To take what Dhappened to us
To write Adown everything that went on
BeHtween you and me H
Three days in DRome A, N*
And I'll stand aN**lone
I'll always reDmember A
Three days in HRome Hmi
--Wurlitzer Solo-- (ať už je to cokoliv)
And what do I Hget Hmi
Do I get reHvenge Hmi
While you let all Dout
Without any Adoubt
Of how this would Hend Hmi
Sometimes it Hgoes Hmi
Sometimes we Hcome Hmi
To learn by misDtake
That the love you once Amade
Can't be unHdoneH
Oh but Three days in DRome
AI laid my heart out
N*I laid my soul down aN**lone
I'll always reDmember A
Three days in HRome
Datum: 21. 11. 2007