/: I got my mind Emiset Hon Emiyou
I got my mind Gset Don Gyou :/
But it's gonna take moGneyC, D
A whole lotta Gspending moCneyD
It's gonna take Gplenty of moneyC, D
To do it Gright childC, D
It's gonna take time
A whole lot of precious time
It's gonna take patience and time, ummm
To Gdo it, to Cdo it, to Gdo it, to Cdo it, to Gdo it,
To Cdo it Gright child
/: I got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you :/
And Gthis time I know it's for Creal
The Gfeelings that I Cfeel
I Gknow if I put my mind Cto it
I Gknow that I really can Ddo it
/: I got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you :/
But it's gonna take money...
It's gonna take time...
/: I got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you :/
And this time I know it's for real...
But it's gonna take money...
It's gonna take time...
Set on you
Set on you (till end)
Datum: 24. 7. 2008