You're Hm7justE9 too Hm7marveE9lous,
too Hm7marveE9lous for HmwordsE7,
Like AgloriA6ous, E7glamourous,
And Athat old A6standby, DdimamorAous.
It's Hm7allE9 too Hm7wonderE9ful;
I'll Hm7never E9find the HmwordsE9
That Asay A6enough, Ddimtell eAnough --
I C#mean they Esm7just not As7swell eC#nough.
Em7You're much too A9much, and Em7just to very Hdimvery A+,
To Dmaj7ever D6be in AWeb - ster's Hm7dictionE7nary.
And Hm7soE9 I'm Hm7borrowE9ing a Alove song Amaj7from the F#7birds
To tell you that you're marvelous,
Too marvelous for words.
Datum: 31. 8. 2008