DmiPaint me a picture and Chang it on the Dmiwall
DmiColor it darkly, the Clines will start to Dmicrawl
BDown Cdown Dmidown
FSpin me aCround and aDmiround
GDraw me away to the Dminight from the day,
Fleave not a Ctrace to be Dmifound
BDown Dmidown
CNothing is real but the way that I feel
and I Dmifeel Clike BgoAing
DmiDown, Cdown, Bdown, Adown,
Dmidown, Cdown, Bdown, Adown,
Paint me a picture of eyes that never see
Flashes of lightning that burn for only me...
Hey, hey, hey - there's only the devil to pay...
I'm ready to go, pull me down from below
Give me a place I can lay
Hey Hey
Nothing is real but the way that I feel
and I feel like going
Down, down, down, down,
down, down, down, doo..oown
Nothing is real but the way that I feel and I feel like going
Nothing is real but the way that I feel and I feel like going
Down, down down, down down, down down,
down down, down, down, down...
Datum: 6. 10. 2008