AAfter all the Asbjacks are in their Dboxes
Aand the clowns have Asball gone to Dbed
Ayou can hear happines Asbstaggering on Ddown the street
EFootsteps Asbdressed in redC#b C# D
EAnd the Asbwind whispers C#bMaryC# D C#b C# D
AA broom is Asbdrearily Dsweeping
AUp the broken peices of Asbyesterday's Dlife
ASomwhere a Asbqueen is Dweeping
ASomewhere a Asbking has no C#bwifeC# D
EAnd the wind cries C#bMaryC# D C#b C# D
LEAD|:F Eb Hb Ab:|3x G Hb Db F
AThe traffic lights turn Asbblue Dtommorow
AAnd shine the emptyness Asbdown on my Dbed
AThe tiny island Asbsags Ddownstreem
ECause the life that Asblived is C#bdeadC# D
EAnd the wind Asbscreams C#bMeryC# D C#b C# D
AWill the wind Asbever Dremember
AThe names it has Asbblown in the Dpast
AWith its crutch,its old Asbage,and its Dwisdom
EIt whispers no,this will Asbbe the C#blastC# D
EAnd the wind Asbcries C#bMaryC# D C#b C# D C#b C# D C#b C# D C#b C# D
Datum: 12. 7. 2009