
Here There Everywhere

The Beatles

  FTo lead a Amibetter life,
  AsI need my love to be Gmi11here.C7

FHere,Gmi7 Amimaking each Bday of the FyearGmi7
AmiChanging my Blife with a Emi7wave of her A7hand,
Emi7Nobody A7can deDminy that there's Gmisomething Gmi7there.C7

There, running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking, but she doesn't know he's there.

Chorus:  (x2)
Es7I want her AseverywhereFmi
And if Bmishe's beside me C7I know I need Fminever care.
BmiBut to love her C7is to need her FeveryGmi7where
AmiKnowing that Blove is to Fshare,Gmi7
AmiEach one beBlieving that Emi7love never A7dies
Emi7Watching her A7eyes, and Dmihoping I'm Gmialways Gmi7there.C7 (Csus4) 

I will be Fthere,Gmi and AmieveryBwhere.
FHere, Gmi7there, and AmieveryBwhere.F

Transpozice akordů: (původní G)
| C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | B | H |

Přidal/a: misa
Datum: 12. 6. 2011
Viděno: 3186